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Profile of Katherine O'Neil

Katherine O'Neil

Founder, Pres. - KKO & Associates LLC
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Company Name : KKO & Associates LLC
Company Website : www.kko.com
Company Address : Five Vine St.
, Andover, MA,
United States,
Katherine O'Neil Profile :
Founder, Pres. - KKO & Associates LLC
Katherine O'Neil Biography :


M.C.R.P., Transportation and Computer Science, Harvard University, 1978 Bachelor of Science in City Planning, Magna Cum Laude, Michigan State University, 1976.

Professional Experience:

Founder and manager of a consulting firm specializing in management information systems and transportation systems analysis. In 1999, after 15 years of successful operation, the company restructured to focus on management consulting and transportation systems analysis. Since its formation, KKO has successfully undertaken numerous projects for various government and industry clients. Under her leadership, KKO has served as a sole consultant, or a project team member, for an international client base.

Ms. O'Neil also manages specific projects for the company's management consulting and professional services practice. Within that practice, she manages several multi-year support contracts with the Massachusetts Highway Department for planning services on the Boston Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel Project and a locomotive rebuilding support contract for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA). She has also managed a number of shorter term projects including:

Developed software to extract route level operating statistics from HASTUS vehicle schedules to support system-wide planning study for the Chicago Regional Transportation Authority

Work to develop a "toolbox" to help transit operators and managers better recognize and combat the factors leading to fatigue for the Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP)

Develop and implement practices to improve the efficiency of operations for the Durban (South Africa) Commuter Rail Operation.

Development of inspection and maintenance planning software for Amtrak's Engineering Department.

For the MBTA, identification and implementation of potential improvements to commuter rail services available within existing budgets, capital plants and manpower requirements.

Audit of South Station real estate leases for the MBTA.

Designed and developed an online train reporting and equipment management system. Project leader for conversion of a Cost Reporting/Labor Allocation/Payroll package from an outside agency to in-house operations. Responsible for purchasing, setting up and training for a network of 10 IBM PC systems. Installed and implemented a telephone management system.

Principal analyst/programmer for development of an automated crew scheduling system for New Jersey Transit Corporation.

Project Manager for analysis of a systemwide transit survey, and for the development of a computerized bus route ridership forecasting system.

Project Manager for development of transit ridership verification procedures for Pennsylvania DOT. Programmer and analyst on rapid transit planning study for Baltimore's North Corridor. Project Manager for various other federally funded transit evaluation and research projects.

Principal Analyst for development of SENTRY MIS to monitor and evaluate transit route performance. Organized and monitored systemwide field survey of bus ridership, coordinated and supervised data analysis to provide data base for service planning studies. Analyzed route modifications and new route proposals; provided technical support for special surveys and studies.

Developed air pollution and energy consumption models to evaluate automobile use management strategies. Contribute on projects to analyze future automobile ownership patterns, and vehicle restraint strategies

Participated in an experimental computer mapping project for transportation networks.

Katherine O'Neil Colleagues :
Name Title Email

David Nelson

Dir., Transportation Systems Analysis Please login

Rick MacChi

Transportation Systems Analyst Please login

Kaylea Nelson

Accounting Mgr. Please login

Peter Recore

Assoc. Attorney Please login

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