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Profile of Kathleen McDonald

Kathleen McDonald

Attorney - Jones Waldo Holbrook & McDonough PC
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Company Name : Jones Waldo Holbrook & McDonough PC
Company Website : www.joneswaldo.com
Company Address : 170 South Main St.
Ste. 1500, Salt Lake City, UT,
United States,
Kathleen McDonald Profile :
Attorney - Jones Waldo Holbrook & McDonough PC
Kathleen McDonald Biography :

Justice Oliver Wendall Holmes, Jr. is quoted, �It's faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes life worth living.� Practicing law is my enthusiasm. While cynics might mock that, it is why I am successful. I give every case my abundant creativity, thoughtfulness, focus and devotion.

Kathleen McDonald is a member of the Jones Waldo litigation group. She practices general civil litigation as well as natural resources, property and water law. Kathleen joined Jones Waldo after serving a clerkship on the Utah Court of Appeals and practicing with a litigation boutique firm in Salt Lake City.

Kathleen is a Wyoming native. Yet, she graduated from an elite liberal arts college in Ohio, her beloved Oberlin College. After graduating with a bachelor of arts, Kathleen taught herself internet and database programming. Four years and many websites later, Kathleen attended the University of Arizona College of Law, from which she graduated cum laude in 2004 and won a dean�s award for dedicated community service.

Away from work, Kathleen enjoys running, skiing, gardening, cooking, and rockhounding with her dog named Tuc, which rhymes with Duke.

Kathleen McDonald Colleagues :
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