Kathy Brooks is the Vice President of Human Resources and Organizational Development at Green Mountain Coffee Roasters. She has primary responsibly for leading organizational change, overseeing GMCR�s principles-based inclusive culture, employee communications and organizational development. Previously, she held several executive HR/OD roles including Senior Vice President of Human Resources at Webster Bank, Vice President of Human Resources at Bombardier Capital and Training Consultant for Mutual of Omaha.
Kathy has over 25 years of experience in the Organizational Development and Human Resources field, focusing on positive organizational change and individual excellence as a key driver of business success. Kathy holds an M.S. in human resources from the University of New Haven and has completed additional graduate work in Counseling from the University of Nebraska. She holds a certificate in Appreciative Inquiry from Case Western Reserve University. Kathy also serves on the Advisory Board of Vermont Business Center at the University of Vermont.
Kathy prefers Green Mountain�s French Vanilla when she�s in the mood for a flavored coffee and also often drinks Rainforest Blend because she likes to support efforts to save our fast-disappearing rainforests. |