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Profile of Kathy Fields

Kathy Fields

Doctor - Rodan & Fields
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Company Name : Rodan & Fields
Company Website : www.rodanandfields.com
Company Address : 111 Maiden Ln.
Ste. 600, San Francisco, CA,
United States,
Kathy Fields Profile :
Doctor - Rodan & Fields
Kathy Fields Biography :

Dr. Fields practice of medical and surgical dermatology encompasses the treatment of disorders of the skin, hair, and nails, including the excision of benign and malignant skin growths.Dr. Fields is co-developer of Rodan + Fields Multi-Med Therapy�. Proven to work, their easy-to-use regimens treat complex, yet very common, skin concerns. Drs. Rodan + Fields are Stanford-trained, practicing dermatologists that have helped millions with their successful skin care solutions. As an authority on skin disease and aging, a significant portion of Dr. Fields practice is devoted to cosmetic dermatology and helping patients who wish to minimize the appearance of the adverse effects of sun exposure. She performs collagen and botox treatments, skin peels, and sclerotherapy of leg veins, as well as laser surgery and liposuction. As an expert in her profession, Dr. Fields has been written up in the Who's Who in America Women and American Business in addition to making personal appearances on the Discovery Channel. Dr. Fields is a national lecturer to her peers on the subject of acne, botox injections, liposuction, aging skin, as well as cancer and breakthrough dermatology.

Dr. Fields attended the University of Miami, School of Medicine and did her residency at Stanford University, CA. She is a Clinical Instructor of Dermatology at UCSF and a fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. Dr. Fields' professional goal is to educate doctors and consumers on the many common and complex conditions and treatments in dermatology today, from pediatrics to geriatrics and cancer. In addition, she wants to impact the cosmetics industry by facilitating access to problem/solution treatments that work.

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