Kathy has 24 years experience in public accounting with 20 years specifically in the tax services area. She joined the firm in 2003 to assist the tax practice in the Cincinnati office after 19 years of experience with other regional and local accounting firms. Her tax consulting experience includes comprehensive corporate, S-corporation, partnership, nonprofit entity and individual research and planning, review and compliance, and representation before the Internal Revenue Service, as well as other state and local tax authorities.
Kathy is responsible for the administration and organization of the Cincinnati office, its policies and procedures that have been developed for recruiting professional staff, professional development, assigning staff to engagements, and other quality control matters. Ensuring exceptional service to our clients is her primary responsibility.
Kathy is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants (OSPCA) and the Kentucky Society of Certified Public Accountants. She has served as the State Taxation Committee Chair of the OSCPA. Mrs. Mitts is currently a member of the OSCPA Nominating Committee and the OSPCA Centennial Fundraising Committee for the Educational Foundation. Kathy was a member of the Executive Board of Directors of the OSCPA; she is actively involved in the OSCPA State Tax Legislation Committee and the Members� Initiative Committees. Kathy was named one of the Top 10 Women Accountants in Cincinnati by Women�s Business Magazine. She is also involved with the City of Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce (del CEO Roundtable program) and Fine Arts Fund Business Volunteers Program. She serves as a proofreader of technical articles for an industry publication and is an active member of the United Way�s Tocqueville Society Women�s Leadership Initiative. |