You may be wondering how a girl like me got involved in a company with Scott and David. The answer academics. I was in graduate school with Scott .
From geotechnical field work to gathering historical project information.
My field experience began during my undergrad. I worked as a co-op student for a geotechnical firm. While there I made concrete molds in the field, performed field density tests, pounded DCPs, and worked behind a drill rig logging boreholes. Due to an injury I also experienced typing field and lab reports for a few weeks. It�s tedious work.
After my graduate work I worked for the same consulting company where Scott had worked previously (he recommended me to the company). While there I performed more field work, but more often was retyping data into programs for analysis and report development. I never thought of there being another more efficient way of managing data. It was a part of the job. So was going to the trailers of bankers boxes and rummaging around for historic project information, after running around to find the engineer who worked on the project and knew the project information.
During this time I decided I preferred working with the clients to working in the field so I went back to school (again) to get my masters in business. As I neared graduation, I started looking for a job where I could combine my geotechnical and business interests. I contacted Scott and David. Their reaction was We have an opportunity for you. I was sold and returned to Atlanta.
Managing your geotechnical/geoenvironmental data does not have to be complicated.
I never thought of how all the data I collected in a rush in the field could be organized. It was simply a lot of dirty pages with data scribbled on them. You had to get it to drafting quickly so you had logs available to visualize your information, and from there re-enter the data to make cross sections for stability analysis, counting your samples and sample types for billing, and cross-checking them with the lab samples. It�s amazing to realize all that you can do with your data without rewriting it. |