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Profile of Katie Schenk

Katie Schenk

Program Assoc. - Washington, DC - Population Council
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Company Name : Population Council
Company Website : www.popcouncil.org
Company Address : One Dag Hammarskjold Plz.
, New York, NY,
United States,
Katie Schenk Profile :
Program Assoc. - Washington, DC - Population Council
Katie Schenk Biography :

Katie Schenk is a program associate for research and communications for the Population Council�s Horizons program. She provides technical assistance to field-based research teams to identify key findings and formulate evidence-based policy and program recommendations. Her research interests and responsibilities include youth involvement in care for people living with HIV and AIDS in Zambia and support for orphans and vulnerable children in Uganda and Kenya. Schenk is currently coordinating a multi-agency initiative to develop ethical guidelines for data collection among children, which Horizons is conducting in partnership with the US Agency for International Development, Family Health International, and the United Nation�s Children�s Fund.

Schenk holds master's degrees from the University of Oxford and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (medical demography). Prior to joining the Council, she was program officer at Reproductive Health Alliance Europe. She has written presentations and publications on Horizons operations research on HIV and AIDS for various audiences and has also written about emergency contraception.

A partial list of publications includes:

Baker, Simon, Srisuman Sartsara, Patchara Rumakom, Philip Guest, Katie Schenk, Anthony Pramualratana, Suparat Suksakulwat, Surachai Panakitsuwan, and Sikarat Moonmeung. 2003. "The role of incentives in encouraging workplace HIV/AIDS policies and programs," Horizons Research Summary. Washington, DC: Population Council. (PDF)

Esu-Williams, Eka, Scott Geibel, Joseph Motsepe, Katie Schenk, Moses Zulu, and Petronella Bweupe. 2003. "Involving youth in the care and support of people affected by HIV and AIDS," Horizons Research Summary. Johannesburg, South Africa and Washington, DC: Population Council. (full text)

Schenk, Katie. 2003. "Emergency contraception: Lessons learned from the UK," Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care 29(2): 35 40.

Schenk, Katie. 2003. "Breastfeeding education helps PMTCT," AIDSLink 78. Washington, DC: Global Health Council.

A partial list of presentations includes:

Schenk, Katie, Eka Esu-Williams, Joseph Motsepe, Moses Zulu, A. Kasongo, and Scott Geibel. 2003. "Training young people to be a care and support resource in their communities," paper presented at the International Home and Community Care Conference for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS, Dakar, Senegal, December.

Esu-Williams, Eka, Joseph Motsepe, Moses Zulu, A. Kasongo, Scott Geibel, and Katie Schenk. 2003. "Reducing stigma through care and support activities involving young people: Results from operations research in northern Zambia," paper presented at the International Home and Community Care Conference for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS, Dakar, Senegal, December.

Geibel, Scott, Sam Kalibala, Naomi Rutenberg, Katie Schenk et al. 2003. "Validating infant feeding measurements: The case of Ndola, Zambia," poster presented at the International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, September.

Katie Schenk Colleagues :
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Sharon Abbott

Staff Member - Staff Program Assoc., HIV, Aids Program Please login

Nahla Abdel-tawab

Staff Member Please login

Mar Aguilar

Staff Member, Financial Mgr. International Programs Please login

Ayorinde Ajayi

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Mohcine Alami

Staff Member - Medical Safety Expert, Head - Medical Affairs Please login

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