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Profile of Keath Nupuf

Keath Nupuf

CTO - CardCops Inc.
Keath Nupuf Email :
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Company Name : CardCops Inc.
Company Website : www.cardcops.com
Company Address : 40 Oakview Dr.
, Trumbull, CT,
United States,
Keath Nupuf Profile :
CTO - CardCops Inc.
Keath Nupuf Biography :

Keath Nupuf With over 18 years of programming and an extensive knowledge of credit card system protocols and network security, Keath Nupuf is a key asset to CardCops. Mr. Nupuf is an expert in high availability web application development and systems level programming, using a verity of languages like C, perl, php, cgi scripting, on multiple operating system. Mr. Nupuf brings unique perspectives on administration and security after running an ISP for over ten years. Mr. Nupuf has provided project management, software development, programming and business and security consulting for many major companies and organizations including State Farm, Bank of America, GTE, NASA, JPL, and OAO (now a division of Lockheed Martin). Mr. Nupuf has an intimate knowledge of credit card system protocols and has designed, programmed, and implemented two separate credit card processing gateways (both certified as an FDR type 7 POS device); 5 separate online shopping systems; as well as one of the first online merchant reporting system for a major ISO. Mr. Nupuf has a history of service with the Red Cross Mountaineering First Responder program as an instructor, Boy Scouts of America obtaining the rank of Eagle Scout and continued as Assistant Scout Master, National Order of the Arrow obtaining Vigil Honor and elected as Lodge Chef for the Malibu Lodge with the largest membership in the US and was a recipient of the National Heroism Award.

Keath Nupuf Colleagues :
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Dan Clements

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Michael Brown

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