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Profile of Keith Hege

Keith Hege

Science Dir. - Mks Imaging Technology LLC
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Company Name : Mks Imaging Technology LLC
Company Website : www.mksit.net
Company Address : 4370 E La Paloma Dr.
, Tucson, AZ,
United States,
Keith Hege Profile :
Science Dir. - Mks Imaging Technology LLC
Keith Hege Biography :

Dr. E Keith Hege, Science director, received his BA degree from Southwestern College (Kansas) in 1956 and PhD from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1965. He has been affiliated with The University of Arizona, Steward Observatory, for 30 years and is currently a member of the Center for Astronomical Adaptive Optics. After an early career primarily devoted to undergraduate teaching in a small liberal arts college, he returned to research as leader of Steward Observatory's U.S. Air Force sponsored speckle interferometric imaging effort from 1978 to 1992. Since then he has specialized in developing first-order post-detection processing methodology for recovering diffraction-limited imagery from atmospherically distorted focal-plane data. He is applying physically constrained iterative deconvolution techniques to calibrate and compensate the point-spread functions resulting from adaptive optics imaging systems and Hubble Space Telescope NICMOS cameras. Dr. Hege is currently investigating astronomical applications of flash hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy, in collaboration with both Steward Observatory and College of Optical Sciences at The University of Arizona and with HvPhotonics in Wailuku, Maui, HI.

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