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Profile of Keith Snider

Keith Snider

International Linguistics Consultant - SIL International
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Company Name : SIL International
Company Website : www.sil.org
Company Address : 7500 W. Camp Wisdom Rd.
, Dallas, TX,
United States,
Keith Snider Profile :
International Linguistics Consultant - SIL International
Keith Snider Biography :


Ph.D. African Linguistics, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands 1990

M.A. Linguistics, University of Texas, Arlington, Texas, 1980

B.A. Theology, Canadian Bible College, Regina, Saskatchewan 1978

Current positions

Adjunct Associate Professor, University of North Dakota (2004-)

Associate Professor, Trinity Western University (2000-)

Linguistics Consultant, SIL International (1995-)

Other experience

Linguistics Coordinator, SIL-Cameroon (1993-1999)

Linguistics Coordinator, GILLBT-Ghana (1985-1987)

Coordinator, Chumburung Language Project (1982-1987)


West African Linguistics Society (1982-)

Language proficiency


French 2.5

Chumburung 1+

Research interests

Phonetics and phonology of tone

African linguistics

Selected publications

Publications in SIL International Bibliography

1999. The Geometry and Features of Tone. Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington Publications in Linguistics 133. Dallas.

1998. "Phonetic realisation of downstep in Bimoba."Phonology 15.1, 77-101.

1993. "Issues in the representation of tonal register." In Harry van der Hulst and Keith Snider, eds.The Representation of Tonal Register. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

1990. "Tonal upstep in Krachi: Evidence for a register tier."Language 66.3, 453-74.

1988. "Towards the representation of tone: A three dimensional approach." In Harry van der Hulst and Norval Smith, eds.Features, Segmental Structure and Harmony Processes, Vol. 1, 237-69. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.

Selected papers presented

2002. "Automatic and nonautomatic downstep in Chumburung: An instrumental comparison." Presented at the 9th International Phonology Meeting, Vienna, Austria.

2001. "Pitch and vowel quality in Chumburung: An instrumental study." Presented at the 32nd Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Berkeley, CA.

1998. "Tone and utterance length in Chumburung: An instrumental study." Presented at the 28th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, Leiden, The Netherlands.

Keith Snider Colleagues :
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Carolyn Miller

Pres., Dir. - USA Please login

Barbara Trudell

VP Please login

Eugene Burnham

Sec. Please login

David Cram

Treasurer Please login

David Bosma

Dir. - Holland, Australia, Finance Coordinator, SIL Pacific Area Please login

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