Keith Cannon is a 36-year brokerage industry veteran with broad experience serving as a director to publicly traded companies and implementing the new requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley.
In addition to Innuity Keith is presently a director and member of the audit committees for the following companies: Elamex C.V. NASDNM (ELAM); Montgomery Realty Group Inc. OCTBB (MGRY); and JLM Couture (JLMC). He previously served as a director of Global e Point NASDAQ.
During his career Keith was branch manager with Wilson-Davis & Co. a firm specializing in wholesale market making. Earlier he was founder and owner of Cannon Securities a National Association of Securities Dealers member firm. Additionally Keith was president of the Utah Securities Dealers Association and chairman and board member of the Utah Governor�s Securities Advisory Board.
He received his master�s and bachelor�s degrees in journalism and business from the University of Utah.