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Profile of Keith Meeks

Keith Meeks

Pres., Co - Founder - Global Food Technologies Inc.
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Company Name : Global Food Technologies Inc.
Company Website : www.globalfoodtech.com
Company Address : 113 Ct. St.
, Hanford, CA,
United States,
Keith Meeks Profile :
Pres., Co - Founder - Global Food Technologies Inc.
Keith Meeks Biography :

Mr. Meeks has been a driving force behind GFT from its inception in 2000. Under his guidance, GFT has assembled a solid senior management team, expanded the corporate presence in the U.S. and established GFT offices in South America and Asia, as well as developed a strategic relationship in the United Kingdom. Mr. Meeks� leadership has led the company to its current position where it is now poised to commercialize globally its proprietary technology. In addition to assembling an experienced management team, he has articulated the company�s vision to industry and the financial community and has been a motivating force for company employees. As President, Mr. Meeks will not only carry the company�s vision and message, but will be responsible for the development and execution of GFT�s strategic plans and for working together with the Company�s CEO, Directors, Management, Consultants and Advisors to achieve Company goals and objectives. Keith started his career in the financial services industry in 1980 with New York Life Insurance Company before founding a financial services company. Earning the use of the Certified Financial Planner designation from the College of Financial Planners, Keith was the winner of numerous industry awards, including the designation of Life Membership in the International Million Dollar Round Table Association (MDRT). In the financial planning industry, Keith honed his professional skills and has applied those skills to assist both industry and individuals in problem solving and strategic financial development and execution of plans. In addition to financial planning, Mr. Meeks is highly skilled in communications, risk assessment & risk management, business development and execution of plans. As President, Mr. Meeks is responsible for running the Company on a day-to-day basis and is the drive behind the Company�s sales and marketing teams. Because of his knowledge, experience, leadership and motivation, Mr. Meeks is well suited as President of Global Food Technologies.

Keith Meeks Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Michael Shaw

Dir. - Investor Relations Please login

James Bouskos

Chmn., CEO Please login

Marshall Sparks

CFO Please login

Patricio Madariaga

Dir. - Operations Please login

Shigeaki Tetsuka

VP, - Operations - Asia Please login

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