Kenneth (Ken) A. Brause is Executive Vice President and Director of Investor Relations. He is responsible for communicating CIT�s corporate strategies to our shareholders and the broader investor community.
Areas of expertise:
Financial services industry � businesses and trends
Investor relations best practices
Debt capital markets and rating agency relations
Strategic planning including enterprise project management process redesign and enterprise risk management
Prior to joining CIT Brause was Managing Director of Investor Relations at The Bank of New York Mellon. Before this he served as Vice President of Strategy & Development and Vice President of Investor Relations at Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey. Prior to his work at Horizon Brause managed the investor relations function for both American General Corporation and Bankers Trust Corporation. In his 13 years at Bankers Trust he also held key positions in strategic planning debt capital markets and syndicate and corporate communications. He began his career at management consultant Booz Allen & Hamilton.
Brause holds a BS in Economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and an MBA in Finance and Accounting from The University of Chicago Graduate School of Business.