Ken Martin has had a passionate golf career since his introduction to the game over 30 years ago. He joined the Natural Golf team in 1995 after being introduced to Moe Norman following ball striking clinics in conjunction with the PGA Show in Orlando, FL that year. Since then, he was fortunate to have had many opportunities to spend time with Moe; each helping him to learn and refine the Natural Golf method.
Golf Management Experience
Head Professional, PGA Class A-1
Ocotillo Golf Club, Chandler, AZ 1986-1989
Evergreen Golf Course, Evergreen, CO 1990-1993
Teaching Professional, PGA Class A-6
The Village Golf Club, Royal Palm Beach, FL, 2001-Present
Golf Instruction
Over 20 years teaching experience
Earned Class �A� PGA Membership in 1988
John Jacobs Golf Schools, Waikoloa, Hawaii
Co-founder of the Progressive Golf School, Dallas, Texas
Natural Golf Certification in 1995
Full time Golf instructor Bonn, Germany in 1996-97
Golf Talk Live Guest (The Golf Channel) with Sandy Lyle
Professional Tournament Competitions
Various mini-tours throughout the US and Canada since 1982
Exempt status on the Canadian Professional Golf Tour in 2001
Currently active in South Florida Section PGA events
Recent Endeavors
Education coordinator for Natural Golf Corporation through September 2004 tasks included the development of Education Curriculums for their Top 25 Golf Schools, instructional DVD programs and written materials relative to learning and playing Natural Golf.
Coach to European Tour player Sandy Lyle since 2000
Tour level caddy experience with Sandy Lyle including the 2003 and 2006 US Masters and 2005 British Open Championship at St. Andrews
Scoring 67-67 = 134 (-10) to tie for 1st Place in the City Furniture Southeast PGA Classic, May 2006. |