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Profile of Ken Olisa

Ken Olisa

Board Dir. - Open Text Corp.
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Company Name : Open Text Corp.
Company Website : www.opentext.com
Company Address : 275 Frank Tompa Dr.
, Waterloo, ON,
Ken Olisa Profile :
Board Dir. - Open Text Corp.
Ken Olisa Biography :

Mr. Olisa has served as a director of the Company since January 1998. Mr. Olisa is the Founder and Chairman of Restoration Partners a boutique technology merchant bank which was launched in 2006. Prior thereto Mr. Olisa was Chairman and CEO of Interregnum Plc. a publicly traded UK technology merchant bank which he founded in 1992. After working for IBM from 1974 to 1981 Mr. Olisa held various positions with Wang Laboratories Inc. between 1981 and 1992 most recently as Senior Vice President and General Manager Europe Africa and Middle East. Mr. Olisa is a director of Reuters Group Plc and of several other private information technology companies in the UK. Mr. Olisa is a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists; a Freeman of the City of London; a Director of the Reuters Foundation; Chairman of Thames Reach Bondway a charity working to shelter and resettle the homeless in London; and a Governor of the Peabody Trust. Mr. Olisa holds an MA from Cambridge University in Natural Social Political and Management Science.

Ken Olisa Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Randy Fowlie

Dir. Please login

John Shackleton

Board Dir., Pres., CEO Please login

Michael Slaunwhite

Board Dir. Please login

Stephen Sadler

Board Dir. Please login

Thomas Jenkins

Exec. Chmn., Chief Strategy Officer Please login

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