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Profile of Ken Rogers

Ken Rogers

VP - Finance, CFO - Energy Exploration Technologies Inc.
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Company Name : Energy Exploration Technologies Inc.
Company Website : www.nxtenergy.com
Company Address : 505 - 3rd St. SW
Ste. 1400, Calgary, AB,
Ken Rogers Profile :
VP - Finance, CFO - Energy Exploration Technologies Inc.
Ken Rogers Biography :

Mr. Rogers joined NXT in January 2006 as Vice President of Finance. Mr. Rogers is a Chartered Accountant with over 25 years of financial and operational management experience. In 2005 Mr. Rogers provided contracted financial and regulatory reporting services to Enterra Energy Trust. Enterra is an income trust that trades on the NYSE and TSX.

From September 2003 to the end of 2004 Mr. Rogers was V.P. of Finance for Superior Propane. Superior Propane is the only national propane distributor in Canada with cash flows exceeding $100 million annually and 1 800 employees. Superior is the largest division of Superior Plus an income trust that trades on the TSX. Responsibilities at Superior included supply and transportation plus all finance functions for the division.

From 2000 to 2003 he served as President and V.P. Finance for Foremost Industries. Foremost is a manufacturer of off-road vehicles and drilling rigs. During this period Foremost converted to a TSX trading mutual fund trust. From 1991 through 1999 he provided financial and business consulting services to government and private clients. From 1979 through 1991 he worked for Canadian Helicopters in various financial and operational capacities with the final position being V.P. and General Manager of their Repair and Overhaul division.

Ken Rogers Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Brian Kohlhammer

Board Dir. Please login

Douglas Rowe

Board Dir. Please login

George Liszicasz

Chmn., Dir., CEO Please login

Charles Selby

Board Dir., Consultant Please login

Andrew Steedman

VP Operations Please login

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