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Profile of Kendall Baker

Kendall Baker

CFO - Siterra Corp.
Kendall Baker Email :
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Company Name : Siterra Corp.
Company Website : www.siterra.com
Company Address : 150 Spear St
Ste. 750, San Francisco, CA,
United States,
Kendall Baker Profile :
CFO - Siterra Corp.
Kendall Baker Biography :

Kendall brings to Siterra more than 16 years of experience in senior level management positions in financial planning and management. Most recently Ms. Baker served as VP Finance for AirToxics where she was responsible for all accounting, finance, human resources, risk management and sales and contract management functions. Ms. Baker was previously also the VP Finance of Citadon and MyHomeKey.com. Prior to that Ms. Baker served in a number of senior management positions at Bechtel Corporation and Bechtel Enterprises where as VP of Finance she was responsible for the development of and adherence to the company's strategic plan as well as developing and maintaining external banking relationships and investment portfolio. Ms. Baker holds an MBA from the University of Chicago and a BA from the University of Calilfornia at Berkeley.

Kendall Baker Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Bernard Fried

CEO Please login

Bobby Jadhav

CTO Please login

Gary Williamson

VP - Client Services Please login

Doug Domergue

VP, Sales, Marketing Please login

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