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Profile of Kenneth Sprenger

Kenneth Sprenger

VP, Clinical Development, Operations - Neurogen Corp.
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Company Name : Neurogen Corp.
Company Website : www.neurogen.com
Company Address : 35 NE Indl. Rd.
, Branford, CT,
United States,
Kenneth Sprenger Profile :
VP, Clinical Development, Operations - Neurogen Corp.
Kenneth Sprenger Biography :

Ken has been responsible for all clinical development activities for our most advanced compound, adipiplon, for the treatment of insomnia--eight clinical studies in over 600 subjects, including two successful Phase 2b studies announced in June 2007. He has also been a key contributor to building the Company�s clinical development infrastructure, which has been critical to Neurogen�s transition from an early-stage discovery company to a mid-stage drug development firm.

Ken joined Neurogen in January 2005 as Senior Director, Clinical Development and Operations and was promoted to Executive Director the following year. Before joining Neurogen, he had served as Global Clinical Leader for new chemical entities at Bayer Pharmaceuticals in West Haven, Connecticut, where he headed clinical development for vardenafil (Levitra�) and was also closely involved with registration, launch, and marketing planning. Vardenafil was approved by the FDA in 2003. Previously Ken was Medical Director for Bayer in South Africa, where he was responsible for the Company�s Pharmaceutical Medical Department and Bayer�s medical affairs in African countries. Prior to his experience at Bayer, he practiced as a pediatrician and pediatric cardiologist at hospitals in Durban and Cape Town.

Ken holds a B.Sc. in medicine and his M.B.B.Ch. from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. He also holds a doctorate in immunology from the University of Cape Town.

Kenneth Sprenger Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Alan Hutchison

Exec. VP - Discovery Research Please login

Thomas Pitler

VP - Business Development Please login

Bertrand Chenard

Sr. VP - Chemistry, Process Research Please login

Eran Broshy

Board Dir. Please login

Stephen Davis

Dir., Pres., CEO Please login

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