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Profile of Kenneth Shannon

Kenneth Shannon

Dir., CEO - Corriente Resources Inc.
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Company Name : Corriente Resources Inc.
Company Website : www.corriente.com
Company Address : 520-800 W. Pender St.
, Vancouver, BC,
Kenneth Shannon Profile :
Dir., CEO - Corriente Resources Inc.
Kenneth Shannon Biography :

Mr. Shannon received formal training in geology at the University of British Columbia with a B.Sc. (Hons) in 1975 and a M.Sc. in 1982. Since graduation in 1975 he has been involved with the mining exploration industry in Western and Eastern Canada, as well as international assignments. This experience includes nine years at Chevron Minerals Ltd., starting in 1981. While at Chevron in the early 1980�s, he led the team which discovered and brought to pre-feasibility the Golden Bear Mine in northern B.C. (1.75 million tons of 0.32 oz/ton gold).

Mr. Shannon has been active in the junior resource sector since 1989 and as President of Corriente Resources Inc. has raised over $50 Million for mining exploration in South America. These funds have been mainly directed towards development of copper and gold projects in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina, leading to the discovery or confirmation of the Taca-Taca deposit in Argentina (>400 Million tonnes @ 0.6% copper) and the Corriente Copper Belt in Ecuador (>600 Million tonnes @ 0.8% copper).

Through superior performance in an initial joint venture with BHP Billiton, Mr. Shannon was able to negotiate a global exploration alliance with the largest mining company in the world.

Since 1991 Mr. Shannon has successfully managed junior companies at a senior executive level including all aspects of project selection, venture capital raising and team building.

Kenneth Shannon Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Thomas Milner

Pres. Please login

Daniel Carriere

Sr. VP Please login

Darryl Jones

CFO, Corp. Sec. Please login

Richard Clark

Board Dir. Please login

Anthony Holler

Chmn. Please login

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