Law Degree at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro LL.M. at University of Los Angeles. Partner at Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroga Advogados, Economics and Financial Officer and Network Officer at Mem Celular Participa��es S.A., Futuretel S.A. and Oeste Participa��es S.A.
Economics and Financial Officer at Newtel Participa��es S.A. and Invitel S.A. Investors Relations Officer and Operations Officer at Ret Participa��es S.A., 525 Participa��es S.A. and Telinvest S.A. Legal Officer and Vice-President at Azurix do Brasil Ltda. Legal Officer at Light Servi�os de Eletricidade S.A., Legal Officer at Trikem S.A., Member of the Law Department of Odebrecht S.A., Associate Lawyer at Garcia & Keener Advogados Visiting Lawyer at Baker, Brown, Parker & Leahy, LLP., Junior Associate at Garcia & Keener Advogados. Member of the Board of Directors at Quigley Company, Inc. (Pfizer group - NY) and Opportunity Sul S.A., Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors at Zain Participa��es S.A. and Newtel Participa��es S.A., Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mem Celular Participa��es S.A., Oeste Participa��es S.A., Sorocaba Empreendimentos e Participa��es S.A., Opportrans Concess�o Metrovi�ria S.A., 525 Participa��es S.A., Daleth Participa��es S.A., Invitel S.A. and Argolis Participa��es S.A.