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Profile of Kevin Crockett

Kevin Crockett

CEO, Pres. - Noel-Levitz Inc.
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Company Name : Noel-Levitz Inc.
Company Website : www.noellevitz.com
Company Address : 2350 Oakdale Blvd.
, Coralville, IA,
United States,
Kevin Crockett Profile :
CEO, Pres. - Noel-Levitz Inc.
Kevin Crockett Biography :

Kevin Crockett is president and CEO of Noel-Levitz. He consults directly with campuses on strategy development for admissions, marketing, recruitment, and student financial aid. He also develops and executes the Noel-Levitz business strategy. Before becoming president, Mr. Crockett directed the firm�s consulting services division, overseeing more than 60 full- and part-time consultants.

An experienced enrollment manager, Mr. Crockett has served 150 institutions such as Lynchburg College (VA), North Park University (IL), Messiah College (PA), Aquinas College (MI), Niagara University (NY), Juniata College (PA), and the Louisiana Board of Regents. His consultations include:Baylor University (TX)raised average SAT scores by 36 points and increased net revenue while maintaining its discount rate. Chapman University (CA)increased freshman enrollment from 392 to 825 over an eight-year period, including significant gains in out-of-state enrollment. Carroll College (MT)implemented a campuswide retention program that promotes student success by having faculty take a more active role in increasing retention. Transylvania University (KY)achieved record enrollments and shaping goals while also decreasing the tuition discount rate by 10 percentage points.

Previous campus experience

Prior to joining Noel-Levitz, Mr. Crockett served as dean of admissions and enrollment management at Cornell College (IA), where he enrolled the three largest consecutive entering classes in school history culminating in record opening enrollment.

Awards and education

A frequent speaker on enrollment management topics at higher education conferences, Mr. Crockett received the CASE "Heavy Hitter" designation for outstanding workshop presenters. He holds an M.A. in higher education administration from the University of Iowa with concentrations in policy analysis and leadership studies.

Kevin Crockett Colleagues :
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Bruce Anderson

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Robert Baird

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Kathryn Bass

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Scott Bodfish

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Derek Boren

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