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Profile of Kevin Bryant

Kevin Bryant

VP, Energy Solutions, Kansas City Power, Light - Great Plains Energy Inc.
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Company Name : Great Plains Energy Inc.
Company Website : www.greatplainsenergy.com
Company Address : PO Box 418679
, Kansas City, MO,
United States,
Kevin Bryant Profile :
VP, Energy Solutions, Kansas City Power, Light - Great Plains Energy Inc.
Kevin Bryant Biography :

Kevin Bryant leads KCP&L in collaborating with customers on innovative energy solutions. He will be responsible for the development of customer programs which include demand side and energy efficiency initiatives. Mr. Bryant�s strategic insight and finance/marketing experience will play a key role in these initiatives. He joined Great Plains Energy in 2003 as Senior Financial Analyst and was promoted to Manager - Corporate Finance in 2005.

Mr. Bryant graduated from the University of Missouri - Columbia with a dual major in finance and real estate and received his MBA from The Stanford University Graduate School of Business with an emphasis in finance and marketing.

Mr. Bryant has experience in strategic planning and financial areas including analysis cash management financial models and mergers and acquisitions. While at THQ Inc. a worldwide developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software based in California Mr. Bryant served as Manager - Strategic Planning. He was responsible for identifying corporate goals and developing the company�s three-year plan. As a Corporate Finance Analyst for what is now UBS Paine Webber Mr. Bryant worked on mergers and acquisitions for medium and large-sized companies. He also worked at Hallmark Cards as a Financial Analyst.

While attending The Stanford University Mr. Bryant served on the board of directors for the Positive Coaching Alliance which promotes sportsmanship for coaches parents and leaders. He currently serves as a youth coach for basketball softball and football.

Kevin Bryant Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Todd Kobayashi

VP, Energy Resource Management, Kansas City Power, Light Please login

Barbara Curry

Sr. VP, Corporate Services, Corp. Sec. Please login

Chris Giles

VP, Regulatory Affairs, Kansas City Power, Light Please login

Dana Crawford

VP, Plant Operations, Kansas City Power, Light Please login

William Herdegen

VP, T, D Engineering, Operations, KCP, L Please login

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