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Profile of Kevin Byrne

Kevin Byrne

- Baltimore Ravens Ltd. Partnership
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Company Name : Baltimore Ravens Ltd. Partnership
Company Website : www.baltimoreravens.com
Company Address : 1101 Russell St.
, Baltimore, MD,
United States,
Kevin Byrne Profile :
- Baltimore Ravens Ltd. Partnership
Kevin Byrne Biography :

Kevin Byrne has been an integral part of the franchise for the past 26 years...The Cleveland native oversees the Ravens' public and community relations departments, plus the content for the club's various communications vehicles, including the team website and all print publications...Byrne's activities for the franchise through the years have included contract negotiations, directing the team's marketing department and serving on committees to interview and select headcoaching candidates.

Byrne coordinated the start of the team's television productions in Cleveland when the Browns were the 1st NFL team to produce their own preseason games and weekly TV shows...When they left Cleveland, the team was producing 5 weekly TV shows, including Browns Insider, which was nominated for a local "Emmy" for "best sports programming" 3 of 5 years (1990-94)...In 1977, his 1st year in the NFL, Kevin was the PR director for the St. Louis Cardinals...Two years later, he became the director of public affairs for Trans World Airline (1979-80).

Prior to the NFL, from 1974-77, Byrne was sports information director at his alma mater, Marquette University...He wo r ked with the legendary Al McGuire and the Warriors' 1977 NCAA basketball champions...Byrne's 1st job after graduation was as an SID at the University of Missouri-St. Louis...Byrne earned a degree in journalism from Marquette University (1971), where he was selected to Alpha Sigma Nu, the National Jesuit Honor Society, and was a 4-year member of Marquette's wrestling team...Kevin is a graduate of St. Edward (Lakewood, OH) HS, where he is a board member and former chairman of the school's Board of Trustees...He received the St. Edward Alumnus of the Year Award in 2000...Byrne is chairman of the Board of Goodwill Industries of the Chesapeake...He has chaired the annual Gridiron Halloween party, which has raised over $600,000 for Goodwill.

For 12 years (1985-96), he was the chairman of the NFL's Pro Football Writers' Liaison Committee and has been invited by the NFL to work 21 Super Bowls and 2 Pro Bowls...Along with the Ravens' sr. director of publications, Francine Lubera, Byrne co-wrote Super Journey: Diary of the Ravens World Championship Season following the Super Bowl XXXV victory (34-7) over the NY Giants...The NFL has also selected him to make a number of media relations and crisis management presentations at league meetings, including a seminar with NFL coaches in 2004 and 2006 and to NFL front office managers in 2003 and 2005 at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Kevin and his wife, Sally, have 4 children, all of whom are college graduates: daughter, Shannon, and sons, Sean, Tim and Conor. The family resides in Monkton, MD.

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