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Profile of Kevin Cooney

Kevin Cooney

CEO, Principal - Summit Blue Consulting LLC
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Company Name : Summit Blue Consulting LLC
Company Website : www.summitblue.com
Company Address : 1722 14th St.
Ste. 230, Boulder, CO,
United States,
Kevin Cooney Profile :
CEO, Principal - Summit Blue Consulting LLC
Kevin Cooney Biography :

Kevin Cooney, MS, PE, Principal and CEO of Summit Blue, has analyzed energy technologies and markets for over 20 years. He has extensive experience in new product and service development, energy efficiency and renewable energy program design and evaluation, and market assessment. His recent project mix includes; the development of a strategic marketing plan for the energy efficiency efforts of one of the nation s largest power wholesalers, and analyzing the risks and benefits of energy management strategies for drinking water utilities nationwide. Some recent projects include: Renewable Energy Market Assessment (New Jersey Board of Public Utilities) Mr. Cooney is the project director for a market assessment and review of program achievements for the Office of Clean Energy s renewable energy programs in the state. Among other analyses, the project is analyzing ratepayer impacts of alternative market-based incentive models (from feed-in tariffs to REC market strategies) proposed for transitioning current solar rebate programs to performance based incentive mechanisms. The goal is to reduce ratepayer and investor risk at the least cost, while assuring that New Jersey meets its RPS targets over the next 15 years. California Statewide Self-Generation Program Evaluation (PG&E managing for the Public Utility Commission) Mr. Cooney is directing a series of studies that are analyzing the statewide Self Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) in California. This program was the source of incentive funding for behind-the-meter renewalble and other distributed energy for systems over 30kW from 2001-06. The studies being conducted include a process evaluation, a market assessment, a comparison of program administrator practices and effectiveness, and a technology retention study. Strategic Marketing Plan (Bonneville Power Administration): Mr. Cooney recently led a study that developed an overall marketing strategy for BPA s energy efficiency efforts. The study focused on; analysis of stakeholder and customer needs in the region, a review of internal staff capabilities, and consideration of exemplary marketing practices deployed by other organizations across North America. Independent Measurement and Verification Expert (Public Utility Commission of Texas). Mr. Cooney managed this M&V audit for the PUCT. The review of the utility-reported energy and peak demand reductions for calendar years 2003 and 2004 for all six IOUs in the State of Texas involved a portfolio of 30 programs. Kevin previously served as VP of Research for E Source. In this role, he was responsible for managing business strategy and financial performance, research direction, and staffing. Before that, he managed a team at Hagler Bailly Consulting that provided DSM program design and evaluation services to the utility industry. Early in his career, he was a researcher at Johnson Controls, where he developed diagnostic software for building control systems, and researched the application of cutting edge knowledge management tools for use in a distributed branch service environment. Mr. Cooney has addressed a wide range of audiences on energy technologies, regulatory policies and markets, and has published in the Electricity Journal, Public Utilities Fortnightly, ASHRAE Journal, and Proceedings of the ASME. Kevin is a licensed engineer with an MS in Building Energy Engineering and a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Colorado, and has completed the Advanced Management College executive education program at Stanford University.

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