Mr. Hond, original author of the STORIS system, has been dedicated to the development of the STORIS system for over 15 years. He began his career a decade earlier as a programming specialist for Stanford Applied Engineering, a manufacturing company in San Jose, California. In 1979, Mr. Hond relocated from California to Northern New Jersey, taking a position with the Ultimate Corp. in the Technical Assistance department. The superior design of the STORIS Retail Management System is a result of Mr. Hond�s expertise in database design and programming techniques. Mr. Hond also established the programming standards for STORIS and heads up the Research & Development Department. Born in London, England, Mr. Hond moved to the United States in 1955. He attended the College of San Mateo in California where he studied Computer Science.Mr. Hond is married with two daughters. The Hond family resides in New Jersey. |