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Profile of Khosla Ventures

Khosla Ventures

Founder - LS9 Inc.
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Company Name : LS9 Inc.
Company Website : www.ls9.com
Company Address : 1300 Industrial Rd.
No. 16, San Carlos, CA,
United States,
Khosla Ventures Profile :
Founder - LS9 Inc.
Khosla Ventures Biography :

Khosla Ventures offers venture assistance, strategic advice and capital to entrepreneurs. The firm helps entrepreneurs extend the potential of the Internet to new markets such as mobile and supports breakthrough scientific work such as bio refineries. Vinod Khosla founded the firm in 2004 and was joined in 2006 by two partners. The partners have been involved in founding or growing billion dollar businesses such as Sun Microsystems, Juniper Networks and AOL. Mr. Khosla has been labeled the #1 VC multiple times by Forbes and Fortune recently labeled him as one of the nation's most influential renewable fuel advocates, noting "there are venture capitalists, and then there's Vinod Khosla." The firm's capital comes entirely from its own partners and a portion of all profits are donated to charitable causes, with an emphasis on micro-finance, education, the environment and affordable housing. Khosla Ventures is based in Menlo Park, California.

Khosla Ventures Colleagues :
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George Church

Founder Please login

Chris Somerville

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Flagship Ventures

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Stephen Del Cardayre

VP, Research, Development Please login

Wei Huang

VP, Process Development, Engineering Please login

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