Kotha S. Sekharam has served as a director of the Company since June 1996 and served as the Company�s President from June 1996 through November 2000. Dr. Sekharam was a founder and a director of Nu-Wave Health Products, Inc., and served as its President from June 1996 through March 1998, and served as Nu-Wave�s Vice President from September 1995 until June 1996. The Company acquired 80% of Nu-Wave in September 1995 and the additional 20% of Nu-Wave in July 1997. From 1992 until September 1995, he served as Director of Research and Development of Energy Factors, acquired by the Company in June 1998. Dr. Sekharam is also President of GeoPharma, Inc., a publicly-held company that manufactures and distributes nutritional and health products, and manufactures generic and over-the-counter drugs. Dr. Sekharam holds a Ph.D. in food sciences from Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore, India, a United Nations university center and has over 15 years of experience in the food and health industry. |