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Profile of Krishnaswamy Subrahmaniam

Krishnaswamy Subrahmaniam

Pres., CEO - Covansys India - Covansys Corp.
Krishnaswamy Subrahmaniam Email :
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Company Name : Covansys Corp.
Company Website : www.covansys.com
Company Address : 32605 W Twelve Mile Rd.
Ste. 250, Farmington Hills, MI,
United States,
Krishnaswamy Subrahmaniam Profile :
Pres., CEO - Covansys India - Covansys Corp.
Krishnaswamy Subrahmaniam Biography :

Krishnaswamy Subrahmaniam (KS) was promoted to president and chief executive officer of Covansys India Limited in June 2003 after more than nine years of successful service to the Company as the chief operating officer.

While president and COO of Covansys India from July 2002 until June 2003, Mr. Subrahmaniam managed the company�s highly rated offshore operations, including sales and marketing for the entire Asia-Pacific region.

Mr. Subrahmaniam led Covansys India to attain Level 5 SEI CMM� certification in process maturity, and Level 5 of the People Capability Maturity Model (PCMM�). Mr. Subrahmaniam also lead Covansys India in receiving the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2000 certificate of approval for its Chennai and Bangalore development centers.

Mr. Subrahmaniam joined Covansys India as vice president in 1994 to establish company operations in India and Asia Pacific, as well as to spearhead the initiative in which the Company attained Level 5 SEI CMM� certification in process maturity.

Prior to Covansys, Mr. Subrahmaniam worked in the R&D division of one of India's premier telecommunications companies and was responsible for projects in areas of SCADA, embedded systems, network management systems, and telecom switching and transmission systems.

Krishnaswamy Subrahmaniam Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Muralee Bhaskar

Sr. VP - West Please login

Ronald MacHtley

Board Dir. Please login

Sreedhar Kajeepeta

Sr. VP, CTO Please login

Venu Vaishya

Sr. VP - AMD, O Please login

Frank Stella

Board Dir. - Emeritus Please login

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