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Profile of Kurt Feaster

Kurt Feaster

Sr. VP - Finance, CFO - Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad Corp.
Kurt Feaster Email :
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Company Name : Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad Corp.
Company Website : www.dmerail.com
Company Address : 140 N Phillips
, Sioux Falls, SD,
United States,
Kurt Feaster Profile :
Sr. VP - Finance, CFO - Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad Corp.
Kurt Feaster Biography :

Kurt V. Feaster joined the DM&E in 1992 as Chief Financial Officer and is now Senior Vice President of Finance and CFO for Cedar American Rail Holdings. Prior to joining the DM&E, Mr. Feaster was CFO of the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway (1990-1992) and Montana Rail Link (1987-1990). Mr. Feaster was Deputy Director of the Railroad Accounting Principles Board (a special U.S. Congressional agency). Prior to service with the federal agency, he held various positions with the Soo Line, Bessemer and Lake Erie, Duluth, Missabe and Iron Range, and Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railroads. Mr. Feaster is a CPA and has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Illinois State University and a master�s degree in Business Administration from the University of Illinois and has taught accounting courses for the University of Minnesota (Duluth and Minneapolis campuses) and the University of Pittsburgh.

Kurt Feaster Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Lynn Anderson

Sr. VP - Marketing Please login

John Brooks

Assist. VP Marketing General Merchandise Please login

Steve Milligan

Assist. VP Marketing Ag Commodities Please login

Ken Thoendel

Assist. VP Marketing Minerals, Cement, Aggregates Please login

Doug Conway

GM - Coal Please login

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