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Profile of Lad Lorenz

Lad Lorenz

VP - Regulatory Affairs - Southern California Gas Co.
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Company Name : Southern California Gas Co.
Company Website : www.socalgas.com
Company Address : PO Box C
, Monterey Park, CA,
United States,
Lad Lorenz Profile :
VP - Regulatory Affairs - Southern California Gas Co.
Lad Lorenz Biography :

Lad Lorenz is vice president of regulatory affairs for San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) and Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas), Sempra Energy�s California regulated utilities. Sempra Energy is a San Diego-based Fortune 500 energy services holding company whose subsidiaries provide electricity, natural gas and value-added products and services.

SDG&E is a regulated public utility that provides service to 3.4 million consumers through 1.4 million electric meters and more than 830,000 gas meters in San Diego and southern Orange counties.

SoCalGas is the nation�s largest natural gas distribution utility serving 20.1 million consumers through 5.6 million gas meters.

Lorenz is located in San Francisco, Calif.

Previously, Lorenz was vice president of electric and gas procurement for SDG&E. In this position, Lorenz was responsible for the procurement of natural gas and electricity on behalf of the retail distribution customers of SDG&E.

Prior to April 2002, Lorenz held various positions in the marketing, gas supply, customer service and regulatory affairs departments of SoCalGas. In addition, Lorenz served as a loaned executive to the American Gas Association in Washington, D.C.

Lorenz holds a bachelor�s degree in thermodynamic engineering from California Sate University in Northridge and a master�s degree in business administration from Pepperdine University.

Lad Lorenz Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Debra Reed

Chmn., Pres., CEO Please login

Michael Niggli

Dir., COO Please login

Dennis Arriola

Sr. VP, CFO Please login

Chris Baker

VP, Chief Information Technology Officer Please login

Pamela Fair

VP - Customer Operations Please login

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