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Profile of Larry Smith

Larry Smith

Attorney - Graham & Dunn PC
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Company Name : Graham & Dunn PC
Company Website : www.grahamdunn.com
Company Address : 2801 Alaskan Way
Ste. 300, Seattle, WA,
United States,
Larry Smith Profile :
Attorney - Graham & Dunn PC
Larry Smith Biography :

As chair of Graham & Dunn's Condemnation Team, Larry counsels and represents property owners, lenders and governments in condemnation cases. He is Northwest counsel to Centex Homes and represents it in several western Washington counties regarding master planned communities. He counsels the Atlantic Richfield Company about its facilities from Oregon to Canada and represents Seattle Steam regarding land use matters in Downtown Seattle. Larry's major condemnation cases include successful trials involving the expansion of the Washington State Convention Center ($15.3 million), the expansion of the University of Washington, Tacoma Campus ($1.9 million), Pier 27 in Seattle's Industrial Harbor ($2.2 million) and Bainbridge Marine Services, Inc. ($4.1 million). He also represents Sound Transit, the City of Everett, and the City of Federal Way. Larry is a frequent author and speaker on land use and condemnation issues, Larry co-edited State and Regional Comprehensive Planning, and How to Try a Land Use Case, and has published numerous articles about condemnation and trial preparation and tactics. Professional and Community Activities American Bar Association, State and Local Government Section, Condemnation Task Force American Bar Association, Litigation Section, Condemnation Committee American Bar Association, Commission on Racial & Ethnic Diversity, Liaison Washington State Bar Association Environmental and Land Use Section Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce Land Use and Regulatory Reform committees Recognition Washington CEO League of Justice, 2006 Washington Law & Politics Super Lawyer, 2002-2007 Education J.D., with highest honors, University of Puget Sound School of Law, 1983 B.A., mathematics, UCLA, 1969 Articles & Speaking Engagements "Over And Out: A Practical Guide to the Condemnation of Aerial Guideway Easements and Tunnel Easements," December, 2005 "Palazzolo Case Narrows Defenses to Regulatory Takings Claims; But Property Owners Still Never Win," Advanced Training for the Experienced Land Use Lawyer, Seattle, December, 2001 "The Eminent Domain Case: Client Interview to Verdict," WSBA, Seattle, October, 2001 "Litigating the Land Use Case," Seattle, October, 2001 "Winning Eminent Domain Trials," San Francisco, November, 2001 "Lessons from the Convention Center Case - Public Use Issues," Law Seminars International Eminent Domain in Washington Conference, Seattle July 2001."Severance Damages," Law Seminars International Eminent Domain in Washington Conference, Seattle July 2001. "Multiple Property Condemnation Trials; Seriatim or Insane," Southwest Legal Foundation's Center for Municipal Legal Studies, Dallas Oct. 1999 and San Francisco Nov. 1999. "Eminent Domain Litigation: Multiple Property Condemnation Trials and Pre-Condemnation Planning," Washington State Bar Association Seminar on Real Estate Litigation Issues, Nov. 1999. "Eminent Domain Litigation: Multiple Property Consolidated Trials and Pre Condemnation Planning." Southwest Legal Foundation, November 1999. "Does the State Own Your Shoreland Property?" Daily Journal of Commerce, Thursday, February 22, 1996. State and Regional Comprehensive Planning: Implementing New Methods For Growth Management. Peter A. Buchsbaum and Larry J. Smith, Co-Editors, American Bar Association Publications, Chicago, 1993. "Using Non-Appraiser Expert Witnesses in Condemnation Trials," THE PRACTICAL REAL ESTATE LAWYER, American Law Institute-American Bar Association, Vol. 11, No. 4, July 1995, p. 85. "The Owner's Valuation Trial Strategies for Environmentally Troubled Real Estate," THE PRACTICAL LITIGATOR, American Law Institute-American Bar Association, Vol. 5, No. 2, March 1994, p. 63. "Growth Management in the 1990's: The Emphasis Has Shifted," Speaker, Hawaii State Bar Convention, December 3, 1993. "Growth Management in the 1990's." Paper presented to Vancouver, British Columbia, Municipal Law Section, November 18, 1993. "So the City Wants Your Property," Washington CEO, Legal Affairs, May 1993. "Planning for Growth, Washington Style," American Bar Association Convention Materials, Dallas, 1992. Comments on The Romanian Draft Law on Urban and Regional Planning, The Central and East European Law Initiative, American Bar Association, July 15, 1992.

Comments on The Albanian Land Use Law, The Central and East European Law Initiative, American Bar Association, July 8, 1992.

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