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Profile of Larry Zelson

Larry Zelson

Assoc. Attorney - Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
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Company Name : Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
Company Website : www.dbr.com
Company Address : 321 Great Oaks Blvd.
, Albany, NY,
United States,
Larry Zelson Profile :
Assoc. Attorney - Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
Larry Zelson Biography :

Larry S. Zelson joined the firm in 2006 as an associate in the Intellectual Property Group.

Patents and Trademarks. Larry prepares and prosecutes patent applications in a wide range of technologies including medical devices and diagnostic products, machinery and mechanical equipment, consumer products, optical diagnostics, sports equipment, printing, telemetry, and business methods, and interfaces with foreign associates regarding international prosecution of patent applications. He also counsels clients regarding portfolio management, validity, infringement, freedom to practice, patentability, and ownership of intellectual property assets. He has been registered to practice before the USPTO as a patent agent since 2001, and prepared and prosecuted patent applications for a solo practitioner prior to and during law school. In addition, Larry has prepared and prosecuted domestic trademark applications and was a team member in a copyright and trademark litigation.

In General. Larry has an extensive background as a mechanical engineer prior to becoming an attorney. He has worked as a project engineer in both large and small engineering companies, where he designed equipment ranging from oxy-fuel burners to bioreactors to cryogenic food freezers, programmed PLC and computer-based process controllers, and wrote operating manuals and design guides. His graduate thesis research involved the measurement and modeling of hydrocarbon combustion reaction rates and required extensive use of spectroscopic and optical diagnostic techniques. Larry has also taught engineering and science classes at Northampton Community College as an adjunct faculty member. He holds two issued patents and has another currently pending.


The Illusion of �Offer to Sell� Patent Infringement: When an Offer is an Offer but is not an Offer, comment, 154 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1283 (2006).

Larry Zelson Colleagues :
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David Aaronson

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Courtney Abbott

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David Abernethy

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Kathleen O'Connor Adams

Assoc. Attorney Please login

Michael Adelman

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