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Profile of Larry Kaplan

Larry Kaplan

MD, Founder - Corporate Solutions Group
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Company Name : Corporate Solutions Group
Company Website : www.csgfin.com
Company Address : 61 Broadway
Ste. 1110, New York, NY,
United States,
Larry Kaplan Profile :
MD, Founder - Corporate Solutions Group
Larry Kaplan Biography :

Mr. Kaplan was the Co-Founder of two growth companies, which he developed and sold. One, a $35 million dollar apparel manufacturer, was sold to Jaclyn, Inc (AMEX:JLN) in 1999. Mr. Kaplan developed this corporation through multiple acquisitions and internal growth into the largest manufacturer of women�s fashion apparel for catalog companies in the US. The other, Caring Concepts, a specialty health care products company which became the world leader in specialty clothing for the physically challenged, was sold to a consortium of Venture Capital firms in 1998. Mr. Kaplan has also served as Vice President of M&A for the Jassin O�Rourke Group, a leading M&A boutique where Mr. Kaplan successfully structured and completed numerous owner liquidity transactions, including company sales and ESOP�s. Mr. Kaplan received his BA in Economics from Franklin & Marshall College and an MBA in Finance from Fordham University.

Larry Kaplan Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Stephen Berman

MD Please login

Arthur Goldberg

MD, Corporate Counsel Please login

Harvey Granat

MD Please login

Alexander Meshechok

MD Please login

Michael Nuremberg

MD Please login

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