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Profile of Larry Lipke

Larry Lipke

VP Engineering - CebaTech Inc.
Larry Lipke Email :
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Company Name : CebaTech Inc.
Company Website : www.cebatech.com
Company Address : 444 Rte. 35 S
Bldg. B, Eatontown, NJ,
United States,
Larry Lipke Profile :
VP Engineering - CebaTech Inc.
Larry Lipke Biography :

Larry has 30 years product development experience in the computer, transport and data networking, and military SIGINT sectors. Larry began his career at NCR where he led firmware development for micro-computer systems controlling point-of-sale environments. He also helped port the UNIX operating system to a new line of mini-computers. He went on to E-Systems (now Raytheon) where he developed real-time embedded communication systems for various branches of the US military. Larry worked for 15 years with AT&T/Lucent Technologies developing transport and data networking products and services, including Frame Relay, ATM, and PDH/SDH. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from West Virginia University and a Master Degree in Computer Science from Monmouth University.

Larry Lipke Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Ramana Jampala

Pres., CEO Please login

Chad Spackman

CTO, Co - Founder Please login

Adrian Port

Co - Founder, Chief Technologist Networking, Communications Please login

Elaine Jones

VP Sales Business Development, Marketing Please login

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