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Profile of Laura Strong

Laura Strong

Pres., COO - Quintessence Biosciences Inc.
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Company Name : Quintessence Biosciences Inc.
Company Website : www.quintbio.com
Company Address : 505 S Rosa Rd.
, Madison, WI,
United States,
Laura Strong Profile :
Pres., COO - Quintessence Biosciences Inc.
Laura Strong Biography :

Laura E. Strong, Ph.D., serves the Company as President and Chief Operating Officer. In this position, Dr. Strong is responsible for developing and executing the product development plan and overseeing the development of the human clinical plans for the Company�s drug products. Further Dr. Strong is responsible for developing relationships with current and future customers and collaborators. As a National Institutes of Health predoctoral fellow, Dr. Strong earned a Ph.D. in organic chemistry at the University of Wisconsin Madison. While at the University of Wisconsin, Dr. Strong was responsible for leading a team in developing multivalent drugs using synthetic polymers to address the impact of multimerization (aggregation) of cell-surface receptors in biological processes related to disease states including cancer. Dr. Strong is co-author of fourteen publications and co-inventor on four patents. She has completed Executive Education coursework at the University of Wisconsin Madison Business School in Financial and Project Management.

Laura Strong Colleagues :
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Ralph Kauten

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Laurits Christensen

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Chris Hornung

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Laura Kiessling

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Ronald Raines

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