Laura Anthony is a partner in the Bricker & Eckler education group. Her education practice emphasizes issues involving special education, student discipline, pupil personnel and employment law.
Representative Experience
Public speaker on a wide variety of legal topics for education-related organizations including the Buckeye Association of School Administrators, the Ohio School Boards Association, the School Study Council of Ohio, the Ohio Association of Supervisors and Coordinators for Exceptional Students, Ohio Association for Career and Technical Education, as well as numerous Special Education Regional Resource Centers, Educational Service Centers, and school districts throughout Ohio
Advises boards of education, MRDD boards, and other public entities on issues arising under various state and federal laws and regulations, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and the Family and Medical Leave Act
Defends school districts and other public entities against employment discrimination claims and other administrative and judicial actions
Special education practice includes counseling school districts on special education issues, training staff, attending IEP meetings and mediation sessions, representing school districts in due process hearings and related litigation, and responding to special education complaints
Advises school districts on student issues regarding custody, residency, discipline, tuition, transportation, athletic participation and constitutional rights
Assists public entities, including school districts, in drafting and implementing policies
Serves as board designee for student disciplinary appeal hearings
Served as Judicial Law Clerk to the Honorable Thomas F. Bryant, Third District Court of Appeals
Community and Professional Activities
Executive Committee, Ohio School Boards Association Council of School Board Attorneys
Member, Education Law Association
Member, National School Boards Association Council of School Attorneys
Member, Leadership Columbus Class of 2008
Member, Ohio State Bar Foundation; Foundation Fellow 2001; Membership Marketing Committee
Volunteer, Ohio Center for Law Related Education � Mock Trial Program
Awards and Recognitions
Ohio Lawyers Weekly Up & Coming Lawyer of 2004
Columbus Bar Association Barrister Leader
Ohio State Bar Foundation Fellow
The Ohio State University (B.A., summa cum laude 1992; J.D. 1995); Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution