Laura's practice covers all phases of defense of health care liability claims, including discovery and pretrial matters, motion practice, settlement negotiations, and trial. She is a lecturer for health care clients and has defended various types of personal injury and insurance matters, including toxic torts and products liability.
Overview of Chapter 74 and Application to Health Care Liability Claims, University of Houston Law School (February 2006)
Using Medical Records to Prove Your Case, National Business Institute (April 2005)
Ethical Issues in Medical-Legal Practices, AALNC Greater Houston Chapter Annual Seminar (October 2004)
Medical Records Confidentiality, National Business Institute (July 2004)
Charting Practices, DePelchin Children�s Center (June 2004)
HIPAA Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information, National Business Institute (September 2003)
Medical Records Management for Paralegals, Institute for Paralegal Education (June 2003)
Houston Bar Association
Greater Houston Society of Healthcare Risk Managers - Member and Secretary (2005 - 2006)
Pro Bono College of the State Bar of Texas
Texas Association of Defense Counsel
British Columbia Bar (Inactive)
American Bar Association |