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Profile of Laura Hosny

Laura Hosny

Sr. Assoc. - Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter & Associates Inc.
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Company Name : Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter & Associates Inc.
Company Website : www.clsdc.com
Company Address : 1850 M St. NW
Ste. 550, Washington, DC,
United States,
Laura Hosny Profile :
Sr. Assoc. - Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter & Associates Inc.
Laura Hosny Biography :

Laura Hosny joined CLS in the fall of 2006 and provides strategic communications counsel, media relations, and legislative strategy for four prominent CLS clients: the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists, Oracle, the National Marine Manufacturers Association and Genworth Mortgage Insurance. For IACP, Laura works on a campaign aimed at protecting the professional integrity of the compounding pharmacy profession amidst a highly adversarial environment fomented by large, multinational detractors. In the case of Oracle, the world�s largest enterprise software company, Laura supports the client�s efforts to advance software innovation in the public sector. For NMMA, Laura helped develop a campaign to protect America�s recreational boaters from unnecessary federal regulation, using grassroots, public affairs and media outreach strategies. Finally, Laura supports Genworth Mortgage Insurance by building awareness about the benefits of mortgage insurance through the media and on Capitol Hill. Prior to joining CLS, Laura worked in government affairs for New Century Financial Corporation, one of the nation�s largest mortgage lenders. She was instrumental in elevating New Century�s presence among policymakers and opinion leaders in Washington, DC. Laura developed expertise in coalition-building, issues management, government relations, high-profile event planning and political fundraising. During her tenure with New Century, Laura was integral to the company�s public affairs and community relations endeavors and, in this capacity, managed three separate internal communications campaigns. From 2002 - 2004, Laura served on the staff of Congressman Steve Israel (D-NY), where she focused on legislative correspondence and speechwriting. She has also worked for other elected officials at the local, state and federal levels. A dual citizen of the U.S. and the United Kingdom, Laura is fluent in French and holds a bachelor�s degree in Political Science from Boston University.

Laura Hosny Colleagues :
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Robert Chlopak

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Shannon Hunt

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Charles Leonard

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Beau Phillips

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Peter Schechter

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