The first voice you usually hear at Systemation is that of Laurel Cagan. And it doesn�t take long to realize that this is one woman who totally has it together. She has a super reputation with the client base. In fact, many wonder just how she stays so on top of things in such a fast-paced environment. At any given time, she can tell you where just about anyone is and exactly what they�re doing. It�s amazing! When she�s not answering phones and keeping track of everyone, Laurel processes workshop certificates and is always willing to do other odds and ends. One of her most popular jobs is organizing staff birthday parties and sending birthday chocolates to all the facilitators. Her behind-the-scenes efforts go far in making Systemation run smoothly and efficiently, thanks in part to her absolute commitment to excellence in every area. She does not do one thing half-heartedly. She gives it her all, and it shows! Around the office, her co-workers are constantly amazed at how completely unflappable Laurel is. She�s known as the one who doesn�t let anything anything!... get to her! She�s always a steady, nothing-rattles-her kind of girl. There can be a million phone lines ringing at once and a three-ring circus going on around her, but she still manages to get all her work done with precision and confidence! |