Laurent Desclos, COO/CTO Laurent Desclos has 18 years� wireless industry experience specializing in the design of antennas and RF integrated circuits. In addition to managing Ethertronics� day-to-day operations,Laurent is responsible for overseeing the company�s global research and design teams. Over the last six years, he has been intimately involved in developing Ethertronics� patent portfolio, expanding the company�s operations in Korea, China and Taiwan, and recruiting Ethertronics� world-class engineering and in-country management teams. Prior to becoming a founding member of Ethertronics, Desclos held various research and development positions with NEC in Princeton, New Jersey and Tokyo, Japan, where his research teams focused on the advancement of CMOS, BiCMOS and GaAs RF ICs for WLAN applications at 2.4, 5 and 60 GHz. Additionally, Desclos was a consultant to the French military for EMI, EMC and frequency coordination issues in France and Gabon. He holds more than 40 international patents and has authored more than 150 papers on subjects including radar cross sections, electromagnetic radiation theory, RF circuit design, antenna theory and applications. Laurent received his Doctorate from the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Rennes, France. He is a senior member of IEEE, and a technical advisor to several wireless startups. |