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Profile of Lawrence Manson

Lawrence Manson

Professional - Krieg DeVault LLP
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Company Name : Krieg DeVault LLP
Company Website : www.kriegdevault.com
Company Address : One Indiana Sq.
Ste. 2800, Indianapolis, IN,
United States,
Lawrence Manson Profile :
Professional - Krieg DeVault LLP
Lawrence Manson Biography :

Areas of Practice

Health Care


Chicago, Illinois

Bar Admissions

Illinois, 1974

U.S. District Court Northern District of Illinois, 1974

U.S. Court of Appeals 7th Circuit, 1978


Columbia Law School, New York, New York

J.D., 1974

Vanderbilt University

B.A., 1971

Honors: Cum Laude

Past Employment Positions

Various Chicago Law Firms and Independent Law Practice, Partner, 1980 - 2007

American Hospital Association, General Counsel Office of Federal Law & Regulation, 1978 - 1980

Chicago Law Firm, Associate, 1974 - 1978

Mr. Manson is a member of the firm's Health Care Practice Group and concentrates his practice on representation of hospitals, long term care facilities and other providers in regulatory, payment, general corporate and litigation matters. Mr. Manson received his undergraduate degree from Vanderbilt University and his law degree from Columbia University .

In his litigation practice, Mr. Manson has represented health care providers and their associations in challenges to State and Federal reimbursement systems, including both the Illinois Hospital Association and the Illinois Health Care Association in challenges to the Illinois Medicaid system. He has represented providers in Medicare matters before the Provider Reimbursement Review Board and the Federal Courts. He argued and won a case concerning the First Amendment in the United States Supreme Court. In his corporate practice, Mr. Manson has represented merger partners, buyers, and sellers of hospitals and hospital systems, nursing homes, physician practices and health maintenance organizations. His regulatory practice includes: Fraud & Abuse, state licensure, JCAHO matters, and medical staff matters. He has represented providers in employment matters, antirust litigation, tax issues, not-for-profit issues, and in financing transactions.

Mr. Manson has served as General Counsel, Office of Federal Law and Regulation, of the American Hospital Association. Also on the national level, Mr. Manson has served as the Chairman of the now Health Law Section of the American Bar Association and has been that Section's representative to the American Bar Association's House of Delegates. Within Illinois , Mr. Manson has been President of the Illinois Association of Healthcare Attorneys and a member of the Board of Directors of the First Illinois chapter of the Healthcare Financial Management Association. He was editor of Illinois Healthcare Law , and is a quarterly contributor to The Administrator's Advocate of the Illinois Nursing Home Administrator's Association.

Published Works

Maintaining the Peer Review Privilege, Antitrust Developments in Evolving Health Care Markets, Antitrust Section, American Bar Association, 1996

The Health Lawyer, Editor, ABA Forum Committee on Health Law, 1984 - 1987

Classes/Seminars Taught

OIG FY 05 What's Going on with the Feds?, HFMA, First Illinois Chapter (Countryside, IL), January 13, 2005

Applicants for Employment, IL Health Care Association (Springfield, IL), September 15, 2004

Maintaining and Achieving Provider-Based Status for Outpatient Services, National HFMA (on-site program series), August 2004

Advance Directives, IL Nursing Home Administrators' Association (Springfield), March 2004

Asset Sales Transactions in Health Care, Beard Group's Fifth Annual Conference on Healthcare Transactions (Chicago), March 19, 2004

Legal Topics and Compliance Developments, First IL HFMA (Chicago), January 25, 2004

Honors and Awards

Named 1 of 12 "Outstanding Hospital Lawyers - 2004", Nightingale's Healthcare News, June/July 2004

Professional Associations and Memberships

Illinios Bar Association


American Bar Association


American Bar Association, 1995 - 1998

Member, House of Delegates

AAA/ABA/AMA, Commission on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Managed Care, 1997 - 1998


American Bar Association, 1995 - 1996

Chairman, Standing Committee on Forum Committees

American Bar Association Health Law Section, 1995 - 1996

Immediate Past Chairman

Health Law Forum, 1991 - 1995


Illinois Association of Hospital Attorneys, 1982 - 1987


Illinois Association of Hospital Attorneys, 1983 - 1984


Pro Bono Activities

Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Board of Directors

Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital, Board of Directors

First Illinois HFMA Chapter, Board of Directors, 1988 - 1991

Lawrence Manson Colleagues :
Name Title Email

John Allie

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Patricia Beaty

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Matthew Branic

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Clifford Browning

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Mark Canada

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