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Profile of Lawrence Purcell

Lawrence Purcell

VP, Principal - Capital Alliance Corp.
Lawrence Purcell Email :
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Company Name : Capital Alliance Corp.
Company Website : www.cadallas.com
Company Address : 2777 N. Stemmons Fwy.
Ste. 1220, Dallas, TX,
United States,
Lawrence Purcell Profile :
VP, Principal - Capital Alliance Corp.
Lawrence Purcell Biography :

Larry has extensive contract, finance, and banking experience. He spent eight years with the U.S. Army as an infantry platoon leader, company commander, and intelligence officer in Vietnam, and as a contracting officer for the Army Electronics Command. He then joined Bell Helicopter Textron, where he worked on advanced systems procurements and international program/market development. These programs included the tilt-rotor predecessor to the V-22 Osprey and the Cobra attack helicopter. After four years, he moved on to Texas Instruments, where he successfully negotiated international contracts for the company's air traffic control radar systems. He later moved to TI's corporate treasury, where he managed the cash flow and financing of their international subsidiaries, as well as handling the company's domestic and international banking relations. The Bank of Boston lured Larry away to work with their international lending activities. He later worked with the bank's divisions involved in their domestic customers' refinancings, acquisitions, and leveraged buy-outs. This included work with asset based lending. Larry then was hired by Barclay's Business Credit where, as Senior Vice President and Marketing Manager in the Southwest, he provided over $400 million in loan commitments for company refinance and LBO transactions. During the banking part of his career, Larry managed over 25 successful leveraged buy-out and acquisition transactions. With a BA from the University of Illinois at Urbana, an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin, and an MA in International Management from the University of Texas at Dallas, plus his considerable financial background, Larry was a natural for Capital Alliance. Larry is a retired Colonel, Military Intelligence, United States Army Reserve. He served in Vietnam and Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield. His awards and decorations include the Combat Infantryman's Badge, the Bronze Star and the Legion of Merit.

Lawrence Purcell Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Edward Dawson

Chmn., Pres., CEO Please login

Robert Jensen

Sr. VP, Principal Please login

William McDonald

Sr. VP, Principal Please login

Bradley Buttermore

VP, CFO, Treasurer Please login

Thomas Dickens

VP Please login

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