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Profile of Lawrence Talbot

Lawrence Talbot

VP, General Counsel - International Tower Hill Mines Ltd.
Lawrence Talbot Email :
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Company Name : International Tower Hill Mines Ltd.
Company Website : www.ithmines.com
Company Address : #1920 - 1188 West Georgia St.
, Vancouver, BC,
Lawrence Talbot Profile :
VP, General Counsel - International Tower Hill Mines Ltd.
Lawrence Talbot Biography :

Lawrence is a mining lawyer with over 20 years experience in representing a wide range of clients in the mining industry, from individual prospectors and junior and mid-size explorers and producers through to major mining companies, in both the hard-rock and industrial mineral fields. He has extensive experience acting for public natural resource companies and providing advice on all aspects of their businesses, including corporate finance, securities and regulatory matters, corporate governance and shareholder issues, and all aspects of corporate acquisitions, takeovers, divestitures and reorganizations. He is a director and officer of a number of public natural resource companies including Alma Resources Ltd., Cardero Resource Corp., Excellon Resources Inc., Gold Port Resources Ltd., Samba Gold Inc. and Wealth Minerals Ltd. Prior to July 1, 2006, he was a partner in one of Canada's largest law firms, and now acts as general counsel to a select group of public companies, including International Tower Hill Mines Ltd.

Lawrence Talbot Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Quentin Mai

VP - Corporate Communications Please login

Jeffery Pontius

Pres., CEO Please login

Russell Myers

VP - Exploration Please login

Michael Kinley

CFO Please login

Marla Ritchie

Corp. Sec. Please login

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