Born on June 15 1926. Economist and Business Administrator. Started his career in September 1942 as a clerk at Casa Banc�ria Almeida & Cia. a financial institution that on March 10 1943 was transformed into Banco Brasileiro de Descontos S.A. current Banco Bradesco S.A. He held all positions of the hierarchical scale of a bank. In January 1963 he was elected as Director in September 1977 as an Executive Vice President. He succeeded the Bank�s founder Amador Aguiar and in January 1981 he assumed the position of Chairman of Board of Executive Officers and in February 1990 he held cumulatively the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors. In March 1999 he appointed his successor as the President of the Board of Executive Officers and stayed as Chairman of the Board of Directors. He also participates in the Administration of other Companies of Bradesco Organization. He is the Chairman of the Managing Body and the Chief Executive Officer of Funda��o Bradesco and of the Foundation Institute for Digestive System and Nutrition Diseases (FIMADEN). In addition to these activities he is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bradespar S.A. and Member of the Board of Directors of Banco Esp�rito Santo S.A. headquartered in Lisbon Portugal. He was an Officer of the Bank Trade Association in the States of S�o Paulo Paran� Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul Vice President of the Board of Executive Officers of the National Federation of Banks (FENABAN) Member of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Federation of Bank Associations (FEBRABAN) current Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Credit Guarantor Fund (FGC) and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Securitization Company (CIBRASEC) and Member of the Advisory Board of VBC Participa��es S.A. |