Dr. Leah Curtin is an internationally recognized keynote speaker and consultant, and has been one of the premiere figures in the nursing profession for the last two decades. She is currently the Clinical Professor of Nursing at the University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and Health, and for the last 20 years has been editor-in-chief of Nursing Management Magazine, a publication she founded. She is also a managing partner at Metier Consultants, the editor-in-chief of The Journal of Clinical Systems Management, and the director of Cross Country Education�s Nurse Manager Boot Camp. She is a graduate of Good Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing and the University of Cincinnati, and was awarded an honorary doctorate from the State University of New York for the impact her editorials have made on the development of nursing and health care in the United States. In 2002, The Medical College of Ohio awarded her a second honorary doctorate for her humanitarian services. Dr. Curtin has been listed in Who�s Who in America since 1991 and Who�s Who in the World since 1992. She has written more than 280 articles and 400 editorials on healthcare, plus eight books for professionals and one for a general audience on children�s stories of war, which was written to raise money for the care and treatment for children damaged by war. |