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Profile of Leah Goldberg

Leah Goldberg

Of Counsel - Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver & Wilson
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Company Name : Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver & Wilson
Company Website : www.meyersnave.com
Company Address : 333 S Grand Ave.
Ste. 1670, Los Angeles, CA,
United States,
Leah Goldberg Profile :
Of Counsel - Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver & Wilson
Leah Goldberg Biography :

Leah Goldberg specializes in reuse and redevelopment of contaminated properties. She works with developers, responsible parties, redevelopment agencies and regulators to develop Brownfields agreements and strategies. In addition to Leah's extensive experience with the Polanco Redevelopment Act, Leah negotiated the first agreement under California's Land Reuse and Revitalization Act of 2004 (AB 389) and frequently uses both of these valuable Brownfield's tool. Complementing her Brownfields focus, Leah practices general environmental law and land use law with an emphasis on clean water, underground storage tanks, stormwater permits, hazardous substances and wastes, California Environmental Quality Act compliance, the Endangered Species Act, the Coastal Act and Section 404 Wetlands permits.Leah has worked with various cities as City Attorney or Deputy City Attorney. Her broad municipal law background provides an excellent basis for working with developers and redevelopment agencies to accomplish the redevelopment of contaminated properties.Leah frequently speaks on Brownfields strategies and particularly on using the Polanco Redevelopment Act. She is also the author of various publications on Brownfields topics, including a chapter on Brownfields in the Handbook of Environmental Science, Health and Techonology, published by McGraw Hill. She serves on the California Redevelopment Association Brownfields Committee and has been instrumental in drafting Brownfields legislation. She also serves on the executive committee of the Environmental Law Section of the Bar Association of San Francisco.Leah is admitted to practice in California, Colorado and the District of Columbia. She received her JD from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law in 1991, where she was a Tony Patino Fellow, and her BA from Colorado State University in 1985.

Leah Goldberg Colleagues :
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Rita Barnes

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Nancy Bryant

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Judy Doss

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Michele Flynn

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Linda Karns

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