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Profile of Leigh Turner

Leigh Turner

Technical Advisor - Kovio Inc.
Leigh Turner Email :
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Company Name : Kovio Inc.
Company Website : www.kovio.com
Company Address : 1145 Sonora Ct.
, Sunnyvale, CA,
United States,
Leigh Turner Profile :
Technical Advisor - Kovio Inc.
Leigh Turner Biography :

Leigh Turner is a graduate of the University of Adelaide having received his Masters degree in Electrical Engineering in 1994. He has been an active researcher, developer and visionary champion of RFID technologies for over 25 years having pioneered several novel HF / UHF RFID concepts and highly successful commercial products. Leigh holds numerous RFID related patents and is a Member of the IEEE, including the MTTS and APS. After a stint in academia he founded Invertech Electronics Ltd in 2000, an Australian based R&D and RFID technology consultancy company. His diverse international clients include several leading high profile companies such as UPM Kymmene / UPM Raflatac.

Leigh is well known by everyone of significance in the RF identification industry for his innovations and contributions to many ISO/IEC and MIT Auto-ID Center / EPCglobal RFID standards. He maintains a passionate interest in antennas, electromagnetics, RF and microwave engineering, RFID systems architectures and CMOS IC design including emerging fully printed "silicon ink" TFT label embodiments; all with a particular focus on optimizing future very low cost RFID / EAS labels and systems.

Leigh Turner Colleagues :
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Amir Mashkoori

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Vik Pavate

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Richard Young

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Jiang Li

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