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Profile of Leigh Wood

Leigh Wood

COO - RealWinWin Inc.
Leigh Wood Email :
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Company Name : RealWinWin Inc.
Company Website : www.realwinwin.com
Company Address : 1926 Arch St.
, Philadelphia, PA,
United States,
Leigh Wood Profile :
COO - RealWinWin Inc.
Leigh Wood Biography :

Leigh has extensive operational experience in managing both startups and high-growth communications businesses. She joined RealWinWin in October, 2005, as both an investor and Chief Operating Officer with the primary focus of turning RealWinWin's backlog of project opportunities into revenues. From 1996 through 2000, Leigh was the Chief Operating Officer of NTL Inc., the largest cable company in the UK. With annualized revenues in excess of $2 billion and more than 20,000 employees, NTL Inc. is a full- service telecommunications company offering telephone, cable, Internet and broadband services to consumers and businesses across the UK and Ireland. Prior to NTL, Leigh served as Chief Executive Officer of Cellular One of Ohio and Michigan, now owned by Verizon. Cellular One was serving in excess of two million customers at the time of its buyout in 1996. Leigh was the fifth employee at Cellular Communications, Inc. in 1984 and held various operational roles leading to CEO of the joint venture with AirTouch from 1993 through 1996. In 2002, Leigh directed the startup of a software company formed to commercialize a suite of knowledge management tools developed by British Telecom. During 2004, Leigh was an investor and Chief Financial Officer of a startup Voice over IP telecom business. Leigh earned a BA from Williams College and a MBA from NYU.

Leigh Wood Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Doug Bloom

Chmn., CEO Please login

Mark Jewell

Founder, Pres. Please login

Craig Tropea

Dir. - Business Development Please login

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