Dr. Leila M. Barraj is a Senior Managing Scientist in Exponent�s Food & Chemicals practice. She holds a B.Sc. and an M.Sc. degree in Mathematical Statistics from the American University of Beirut and a D.Sc. degree in Biostatistics from Harvard University. Dr. Barraj has experience in study design data analysis and exposure modeling. She has designed and analyzed data from several nationwide market basket surveys specialized field trials and monitoring programs and has investigated the potential association between demographic occupational and dietary characteristics and health indicators using data from nationwide surveys. She has experience in experimental design multivariate analysis and survival analysis. She also has extensive experience in the development and testing of probability models for exposure assessments. In particular Dr. Barraj has been involved in developing the models and algorithms used in several of Exponent/Novigen�s proprietary risk assessment software. These software include the Dietary Exposure Evaluation Model (DEEM) the Food Analysis and Residue Evaluation Program (FARE) and Calendex an aggregate and cumulative exposure software incorporating both temporal and spatial variability. The EPA relies on these software in its assessments. |