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Profile of Leo Chan

Leo Chan

CTO - Xignite Inc.
Leo Chan Email :
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Company Name : Xignite Inc.
Company Website : www.xignite.com
Company Address : 951 Mariners Island Blvd.
Ste. 670, San Mateo, CA,
United States,
Leo Chan Profile :
CTO - Xignite Inc.
Leo Chan Biography :

Leo Chan joined Xignite with over 15 years of experience in delivering enterprise software to market and 10 years of building scalable internet applications. As an entrepreneur, Leo had previously founded ConnectedWorld LLC, an enterprise instant messaging software company, and helped a Silicon Valley venture capital firm build an internet travel company, Savvio.com, from concept to launch. Prior to building start-up companies from the ground up, Leo led the database engineering team at the internet media company Zip2 until the acquisition by AltaVista. Leo began his career at Oracle where he held engineer and senior management positions and was part of the team that helped grew UNIX revenue from less than $50 million to over a billion. He was also instrumental in building the first web-based database management application and pioneered the award-winning "self-tuning database" concept. Leo holds a Master of Science in Operations Research degree from M.I.T and a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Johns Hopkins University.

Leo Chan Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Stephane Dubois

Chmn., CEO, Founder Please login

Anthony Lee

Board Dir. Please login

Peter Caswell

Board Dir. Please login

Bob Rees

Board Dir. Please login

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